Subhanallaah, NASA Membenarkan Matahari Akan Terbit dari Barat!!
Kebenaran ajaran Islam terus-menerus dibuktikan oleh penemuan demi penemuan ilmu pengetahuan. 1.400 tahun yang lalu, Rasulullah SAW sudah menyatakan dalam haditsnya bahwa kelak matahari akan terbit dari Barat sebagai bukti keagungan Allah SWT dan ciri-ciri kiamat sudah semakin dekat: ““Tidak akan terjadi kiamat sehingga matahari terbit dari tempat terbenamnya, apabila ia telah terbit dari barat dan semua manusia melihat hal itu maka semua mereka akan beriman, dan itulah waktu yang tidak ada gunanya iman seseorang yang belum pernah beriman sebelum itu.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abu Hurairah. Dan riwayat Ahmad, Abu Dawud dan Ibn Majah).
Matahari terbit dari Barat akan terjadi selama satu hari saja, kemudian tertutuplah pintu taubat. Setelah itu, gerakan matahari pun akan kembali seperti sebelumnya terbit dari timur sampai terjadinya kiamat. Ini sesuai dan dibenarkan oleh peneliti NASA dalam artikelnya dibawah. Dari Ibn ‘Abbas, “Maka Ubai bin Ka’ab berkata: “Maka bagaimana jadinya matahari dan manusia setelah itu?” Rasulullah menjawab: “Matahari akan tetap menyinarkan cahayanya dan akan terbit sebagaimana terbit sebelumnya, dan orang-orang akan menghadapi (tugas-tugas) dunia mereka, apabila kuda seorang laki-laki melahirkan anaknya, maka ia tidak akan dapat menunggang kuda tersebut sampai terjadinya kiamat.” (Fathul Baari, Kitaburriqaq, Juz 11, Thulu’issyamsi Min Maghribiha).
Ukrainian Physics Scientist Converted to Islam Because the Qur'an Proves Truth That Can be Turned Round Earth Axis Direction
Demitri Bolykov, physicists alone was menggandrungi studies and scientific research, says that the entrance to Islamannya is physics. It's a very scientific, how physics can mendorang Demitri Bolyakov Islam? Demitri said that he joined in a scientific study led by Prof. Kosinikov Nicolai, one of the experts in the field of physics.
They are in the study of a sempel were tested in the laboratory to study a modern theory describes the rotation of the earth and its axis. They managed to set theory. However, knowing that Dimetri narrated in a hadith of the Prophet SAW is known Muslims, including even those that strengthen the core belief that theory must exist, according to the results it achieves. Demitri feel confident that this kind of knowledge, which is older than 1,400 years ago as the only source that may be only the creator of this universe.
The theory raised by Prof. Kosinov is the most recent theories and boldest in menfsirakan phenomenon of rotation of the earth on its axis. This group of researchers designed a form sempel ball filled with a thin plank of the molten metal, was placed on the body of the electrode formed bermagnit opposing currents.When an electric current runs on the two electrodes, and then generate a magnetic force balls filled with a thin plank of metal begin to spin on its axis, this phenomenon is called "Motion Magno Integral Electro-Dynamics"
. The motion was in substance a rotation of the earth on its axis activity.
At the level of reality in the universe, solar power is the "driving force" that could give birth to a magnetic area that could push the earth to rotate on its axis. Then the rotation of the earth's motion in fast or slow insensitas power along with solar power. On this basis also the position and direction of the north pole depends. It has been held that the Earth's magnetic poles research until 1970 moving at a speed not exceeding 10 km in a year, but in recent years is the increased speeds of up to 40 miles in a year. Even in 2001 the Earth's magnetic poles shifting from place to reach a distance of 200 km in one motion. This means that the influence of the earth's magnetic resulted in two magnetic poles alternately place. This means that the "movement" will lead to the rotation of the earth in the opposite direction. When that sun will rise (out) of the West!!!
Knowledge and information as Demitri is not found in books or heard of any, but he received the conclusions of the research and experimentation and research. When he examined the books of heavenly interfaith, he did not get any clue to that information other than Islam. He found the information from a hadith narrated by Abu Huarirah, that the Messenger of Allah said, "Who repent before the sun rises from the west, Allah will accept the repentance." (From the book Islam wa Qishshah). Wallahu nature (IslamIsLogic.wordpress.com)
This article does not predict when the end of the world, but confirmed that the sun will rise from the west are like the prophets had said Sallallaahu'alaihi Wa Sallam.Through research justify Muhammad's sayings Sallallaahu'alaihi Wa Sallam that someday the sun will rise from the west,,really what this article is whether or not only God knows.So we can take a lesson from him.
Subhanallaah, NASA Membenarkan Matahari Akan Terbit dari Barat!!
Kebenaran ajaran Islam terus-menerus dibuktikan oleh penemuan demi penemuan ilmu pengetahuan. 1.400 tahun yang lalu, Rasulullah SAW sudah menyatakan dalam haditsnya bahwa kelak matahari akan terbit dari Barat sebagai bukti keagungan Allah SWT dan ciri-ciri kiamat sudah semakin dekat: ““Tidak akan terjadi kiamat sehingga matahari terbit dari tempat terbenamnya, apabila ia telah terbit dari barat dan semua manusia melihat hal itu maka semua mereka akan beriman, dan itulah waktu yang tidak ada gunanya iman seseorang yang belum pernah beriman sebelum itu.” (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abu Hurairah. Dan riwayat Ahmad, Abu Dawud dan Ibn Majah).
Matahari terbit dari Barat akan terjadi selama satu hari saja, kemudian tertutuplah pintu taubat. Setelah itu, gerakan matahari pun akan kembali seperti sebelumnya terbit dari timur sampai terjadinya kiamat. Ini sesuai dan dibenarkan oleh peneliti NASA dalam artikelnya dibawah. Dari Ibn ‘Abbas, “Maka Ubai bin Ka’ab berkata: “Maka bagaimana jadinya matahari dan manusia setelah itu?” Rasulullah menjawab: “Matahari akan tetap menyinarkan cahayanya dan akan terbit sebagaimana terbit sebelumnya, dan orang-orang akan menghadapi (tugas-tugas) dunia mereka, apabila kuda seorang laki-laki melahirkan anaknya, maka ia tidak akan dapat menunggang kuda tersebut sampai terjadinya kiamat.” (Fathul Baari, Kitaburriqaq, Juz 11, Thulu’issyamsi Min Maghribiha).
Ukrainian Physics Scientist Converted to Islam Because the Qur'an Proves Truth That Can be Turned Round Earth Axis Direction
Demitri Bolykov, physicists alone was menggandrungi studies and scientific research, says that the entrance to Islamannya is physics. It's a very scientific, how physics can mendorang Demitri Bolyakov Islam? Demitri said that he joined in a scientific study led by Prof. Kosinikov Nicolai, one of the experts in the field of physics.
They are in the study of a sempel were tested in the laboratory to study a modern theory describes the rotation of the earth and its axis. They managed to set theory. However, knowing that Dimetri narrated in a hadith of the Prophet SAW is known Muslims, including even those that strengthen the core belief that theory must exist, according to the results it achieves. Demitri feel confident that this kind of knowledge, which is older than 1,400 years ago as the only source that may be only the creator of this universe.
The theory raised by Prof. Kosinov is the most recent theories and boldest in menfsirakan phenomenon of rotation of the earth on its axis. This group of researchers designed a form sempel ball filled with a thin plank of the molten metal, was placed on the body of the electrode formed bermagnit opposing currents.When an electric current runs on the two electrodes, and then generate a magnetic force balls filled with a thin plank of metal begin to spin on its axis, this phenomenon is called "Motion Magno Integral Electro-Dynamics"
. The motion was in substance a rotation of the earth on its axis activity.
At the level of reality in the universe, solar power is the "driving force" that could give birth to a magnetic area that could push the earth to rotate on its axis. Then the rotation of the earth's motion in fast or slow insensitas power along with solar power. On this basis also the position and direction of the north pole depends. It has been held that the Earth's magnetic poles research until 1970 moving at a speed not exceeding 10 km in a year, but in recent years is the increased speeds of up to 40 miles in a year. Even in 2001 the Earth's magnetic poles shifting from place to reach a distance of 200 km in one motion. This means that the influence of the earth's magnetic resulted in two magnetic poles alternately place. This means that the "movement" will lead to the rotation of the earth in the opposite direction. When that sun will rise (out) of the West!!!
Knowledge and information as Demitri is not found in books or heard of any, but he received the conclusions of the research and experimentation and research. When he examined the books of heavenly interfaith, he did not get any clue to that information other than Islam. He found the information from a hadith narrated by Abu Huarirah, that the Messenger of Allah said, "Who repent before the sun rises from the west, Allah will accept the repentance." (From the book Islam wa Qishshah). Wallahu nature (IslamIsLogic.wordpress.com)
This article does not predict when the end of the world, but confirmed that the sun will rise from the west are like the prophets had said Sallallaahu'alaihi Wa Sallam.Through research justify Muhammad's sayings Sallallaahu'alaihi Wa Sallam that someday the sun will rise from the west,,really what this article is whether or not only God knows.So we can take a lesson from him.