1. Panzer Anoa

Panzer Anoa
His name is inspired from the typical mammalian Sulawesi, Anoa zoom is not inferior to European-made. Her birth was prepared to achieve independence in the field of defense equipment by the Department of Defense and PT Pindad. This six-wheeled armored vehicles capable of driving up to speeds of 90 Km / hr. Being able to jump over one meter wide trenches and climb the slope up to 45 degrees. Panzer coated steel bullet proof when sprayed with AK47 or M-16 are guaranteed not to penetrate.
2. Ghatotkacha aircraft N-250

N-250 Aircraft Ghatotkacha
This aircraft is a turboprop regional aircraft commuter IPTN original design (now PT. Dirgantara Indonesia) was launched in 1995. Code N means the archipelago, shows that the design, production and calculations done in Indonesia or even Nurtanio, who was the founder and pioneer of aviation industry in Indonesia. The aircraft is named Ghatotkacha and seize the belle IPTN 50-70 class passengers.3. KRI-Krait-827

KRI Krait-827-
The warship is the result of exchange of knowledge between the Navy through fasharkan (Facility Maintenance and Repair) and PT Batan Expressindo Mentigi Shipyard (BES), Cape Guncung. Worked for 14 months and 100% handled by the sons and daughters of Indonesia. Made from aluminum, 190 DWT tonnage with a range of around 2500 Mil. Equipped with radar with a range of 96 Nautical Miles (equivalent to 160 km) with a navigation system GMDSS area 3 with a speed of 25 Knots attached4. Smart Eagle II (SE II)

Smart Eagle II (SE II)
Prototype is the first UAV (Unman Aerical Vehicle) produced by PT. Aviator Indonesia technology intelligence for the benefit of Indonesia. SE II using diameter 150cc 2-stroke engine, able to fly up to 6 hours. Equipped with color TV Camera. Able to operate at night using Therman Imaging (TIS) camera for hardware option.
Prototype is the first UAV (Unman Aerical Vehicle) produced by PT. Aviator Indonesia technology intelligence for the benefit of Indonesia. SE II using diameter 150cc 2-stroke engine, able to fly up to 6 hours. Equipped with color TV Camera. Able to operate at night using Therman Imaging (TIS) camera for hardware option.
5. Cars Arina-SMK

The car is designed to use a motorcycle engine with engine capacity of 150cc, 200cc and 250cc. Gasoline consumption is only 1 liter to 40 km. 2.7 meters long, 1.3 meters wide and 1.7 meters high so that it can enter the narrow streets and alleys. Named for Arina-vocational preparation in cooperation with Armada Indonesia (Arina) with vocational students.
6 new weapons made in Indonesia
It is worthy We're Proud Of Indo Who's Next In the field of military



Assault rifle

Sub Machine Gun

7. Chip Original Made in Indonesia
Xirka Wimax chipset, a chip made by native Indonesia, it is not easy to attempt to make a chip with high complexity. Xirka who escorted some of Indonesia's engineers began to develop in 2006. This chipset consists of two specifications, namely Chipset Xirka for Fixed WiMAX and Mobile WiMAX Chipset Xirka for. For fixed wimax was launched in August this year. While
mobile wimax slated for release in the fourth quartal 2009.Produk
original made in Indonesia was launched by the Minister of Research and
Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Kusmayanto Kadiman. He explained that all the components in the Xirka are made in Indonesia. Wimax operators that provide services required to use Xirka..
Wakamini tablet computers are one hundred percent made in Indonesia at a price that you can reach anyone, Rp3.599.000. From the side of the screen, the local tablet computer design is unique that can be rotated 180 degrees, measuring 10 inches and have four color variants; brown, red, black and blue. Menggunakkan operating system Windows 7 Home Premium and Ultimate, with a touch screen. Wakamini prosesesor equipped with Intel Atom N450 1.66 Ghz speed, RAM (Random Access Memory) 1 GB DDR2, 250 GB of storage space, while the weight is 1.35 KG with Wifi "4 in 1" card reader and a 1.3 MP Webcam with resilient batrai three jam.Sementara Wakatobi more petite size and designed for children, only 8.9 inches. Screen design is also unique, as the price is quite attractive Rp2, 999,000 per unit or the cheapest in its class. But it is different from his brother, Wakatobi not support multi touch. Intel Atom Processor N270 Wakatobi is the speed of 1.6 GHz, with 1 GB of DDR2 RAM. He weighed 1.25 kg hanbya9. WAR ROBOT
Institute for Technology Assessment (Lemjitek) Army, Karangploso, Malang regency, was able to create a robot fighter.

combat robot prototype has been tested several times, and can cover a distance of up to 1 km from the control center. "The size is 1.5 m by 0.5 m and weighs about 100 kg. This robot has two-wheel drive engine and able to carry loads up to about 150 kg, the maximum speed can reach 60 km / h, "he explained. The robot, created in 2009 and have not had this name, powered by electricity from the two batteries that are stored in the body of the robot.
Two battery has 36 volt power that serves to drive, and a 12-volt control system. Gunawan confessed, the condition of the robot is not completely perfect because just finished assembling process, chances are still about 70-80% of the desired ideal conditions.10. Guided missile

Although, rocket RX-420 still be considered the Department of Defense, is capable of becoming one of the weapons on the ground antidote reliable so, Indonesia does not need a fleet of ships or weapons of war, other than the dominant cost factor.
domestic missile production ideas started to blaze in 2005. Funds amounting to Rp 2.5 billion disbursed for the project of the missile in it, and when it materialized DoD will hold PT Pindad Indonesia, domestic weapons manufacturers who conduct research caliber 122 millimeter warheads. Currently, LAPAN has successfully launched a rocket with the power distance of 100 kilometers, and has a speed start 4 times the speed of sound(Mach 4).